1. Rightfully supporting and defending Justice through and within the legal system.
2. Rightfully supporting and defending the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Colorado.
3. Performing our duties with Professionalism, Integrity, Honesty, Candor, Diligence, Fairness, Trust, Respect, Dignity, Courtesy, Cooperation and Competence.
4. Maintaining our broader duty to the Judicial System.
5. Performing our duty to Counsel, Mentor, Advise, Educate and Guide less experienced lawyers.
6. Refraining from abusing any participant in the judicial system or indulge in offensive conduct.
7. Refraining from using the legal process to delay resolution of a dispute or harass opposing counsel or opposing counsel's client.
8. Punctual in communications with others and in honoring scheduled appearances and will recognize that neglect and tardiness are demeaning to the lawyer and to the judicial system.
9. Offering Candor and Transparency to the legal system opposing counsel subject to confidentiality.
10. Cooperating with reasonable requests regarding scheduling accommodations.
11. Devotion to the public good and to public service; to be committed to the improvement of the administration of justice; to report violations of disciplinary rules subject to good-faith reservations; and to provide pro bono legal representation.
12. Conducting ourselves with civility, professional integrity and personal dignity.